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Scattery Island

Knocknanangel Church / Ard na nAingeal

Knocknanangel Church sits on the highest point of the island about 100 metres southwest of the round tower. Ard na nAingel means hill of the angels. According to legend this is the spot where Archangel Michael appeared to St Senan and placed him on a flagstone. From here St Senan could see 'The Cathach' a terrifying sea- monster. St Senan faced the monster and banished it. There are no remaining features of the 12 metre long church. The walls are about 1/2 metre high except the south wall which stands about 3 metres high in parts. The hill offers a superb 360 degree panoramic view of the island.

Situated: On Scattery Island. Boats sail to the Island from Kilrush Marina during the summer period.

Discovery Map 63: Q 9710 5234. Last visit July 2014.

Longitude: 9° 31' 10" W

Latitude: 52° 36' 45" N

Google Map

Photos: Jim Dempsey.

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